commentary concerning
in response to
Host Commentary noted in brackets] and “unique”
formatting added to help convey the concepts as clearly as possible.
~ ~ ~
writes in
an astute comment:
About these guys and their penchant
for trespassing outside their own KJB reservation:
I suspect that some Protestant
sects are going the way of the Catholic Church...
- by which I don't mean
that they're going the way the Catholic Church is going now
- but the way the Catholic
Church was going back
in the 17th century
As we
all know, the impetus for translating the Bible into German and Dutch
and English (and so forth) [the
Protestant Reformation]
was the belief that each individual man (if not each individual
woman) ought to be able to act as his own priest and enjoy an
unfettered relationship with God [the
doctrine of the Priesthood of All Believers].
And the project was successful, which means that in any devout
Protestant community most community members, men and women alike, now
know the Bible most of the way through — though that's only the
official, acknowledged Bible (whichever version of it the community
happens to be using).
So, if
you want to separate the interpreters of the Bible from its readers
and to give the former power over the latter, it's no longer
sufficient for the former group merely to stick to the
interpretation of whatever version of the Bible they employ. No,
they've got to go outside those boundaries and start citing Scripture
their parishioners don't know about and have never heard of, because
only that can give the kind of power they're after –
– which
is the kind of power the Catholic priesthood had back in the 16th
century and earlier — the power over the Holy Words which the laity
can access only by means of the priesthood. (Which is kind of like
having a corner on a commodity.)
In fact,
the power the Protestant ministers who engage in this strategy stand
to gain is even greater than the power of the priesthood because
while a priest was-and-is answerable to his superiors a Protestant
minister — especially of a non-mainline, runaway sect — need not
be accountable to anybody.
everyone read the Targum [the
Aramaic Bible] and the Midrash
writings which “fill in the gaps in Scripture based on oral
tradition] the way everybody reads
the Bible (though of course I'm only talking about the kind of people
who read the Bible in the first place) these guys probably couldn't
get away with this stuff, because somebody would show up and tell
them that their interpretation was off. (Somewhat in the same way
Orthodox Jews have already appealed to Michael Pearl to stop quoting
them and have told him that he doesn't understand their writings
correctly, not that he listens to them.)
But that
day is as of yet far off, and for the time being it looks like they
have the field to themselves. I guess we'll have to wait to discover
how it all works out in the end.