In Chapter 3 of the recovery book, Take Back Your Life,
Lalich and Tobias explain the additional pressures that children face
from childhood into adulthood, all of which tend to keep them silent and
powerless. I’ve listed only some of these pressures, personalizing them
for those who grew up in the Quiverfull/Patriarchy Movement. To that
list, I would add the lifelong physical consequences and the profound psychological toll associated with Developmental Trauma Disorder.
- The group’s world and perspective may be all that they’ve ever known. (How does a child do something that they have never experienced and lack the skills to accomplish and perhaps even the vocabulary to describe these tasks?)
- They fear the unsafe and evil outside world, both physically and in terms of ideas which are seen as more destructive. (See writings concerning young women in patriarchy.)
- Restricted self-determination, particularly for daughters, at the discretion of the visionary patriarch of the family for whom they exist to serve until given in marriage to their own new male covering.
- Unmarried girls are the de facto property of their parents, as the wife is considered the property of her husband.