IFB Baptists


Doctrine of Separation

Beginning early in the Twentieth Century, Christianity began to take on a more ecumenical flavor, under influences from criticisms of the authenticity of Biblical Texts to a shift towards a social gospel. Presbyterians and Baptists began discussion of the importance of essential “fundamental doctrines” of the Christian Faith – without which, Christianity would cease to be truly Christian. 

As a result of this growing conflict and due to some controversy arising from ecumenism voiced by Billy Graham, a group of Baptists split away from the Southern Baptists and other similar state level Baptist groups. By the mid 1950s, men like Bob Jones, John R. Rice, and Lester Roloff were busy about developing their network of ministers, and they conceived of the Doctrine of Separation

The term "holiness" means "set apart," justifying the concept of Separation as it is understood in the IFB.  Churches, pastors, and individuals many not fraternize with those who follow allegedly sub-standard doctrines or practices.  This means to prevent  tainting from a fallen and evil world.

Though each church is considered independent, the churches maintain a tight network that functions like an authoritarian denomination according to their hidden curriculum which members understand wellPer formal, written policy, none of their churches/pastors  answer to overseersHowever, rejection of their belief systems and practices results in shunning (and some allege harassment) from the network.

Please refer to the Blanket Training/Corporal Punishment tab to "Child Training" (the King James Bible term for child discipline).  This attitude also fostered the development of the IFB's version of the Troubled Teen Home industry.



    Critical Discussion of IFB Doctrine: 

    Notable Independent Fundamental Baptists:
    Cindy Foster's Odessey Out